Katsushika Hokusai《Three beauties in black ink》Katsushika Hokusai《Three beauties in black ink》


An exhibition co-sponsored by two museums featuring approximately 190 beauties from the early modern and modern eras. [April 4th (Friday) - July 19st (Monday) Kyoto, Fukuda Museum of Art/Saga Arashiyama Bunkakan]


Fukuda Museum of Art, Kyoto A collection of beautiful paintings of beautiful women "You are too beautiful - Beautiful paintings of the Fukuda Collection"

Katsushika Hokusai《Three Beautiful Women on an Ink Bank》 19th Century Late Exhibition

“You Are Too Beautiful: Beautiful Women from the Fukuda Collection” will be held at the Fukuda Art Museum from April 2024th (Friday) to July 4st (Monday), 19. This exhibition, co-sponsored with the nearby Saga Arashiyama Bunkakan, will showcase a collection of beautiful paintings of beautiful women.

Shoen Uemura《Shizuka Gozen》 Shoen Uemura《Shizuka Gozen》

Shoen Uemura, Shizuka Gozen, circa 1910, early exhibition

Paintings of beautiful women have a mysterious charm that continues to fascinate us throughout the ages. The root of this endless charm lies in the artist's feeling that ``you are too beautiful,'' and this exhibition uses this as a keyword to present works from the early modern to modern times selected from the Fukuda collection.190Beautiful people gather together. Introducing a number of beautiful paintings of beautiful women, from ukiyo-e prints, which are the roots of beauty paintings, to masterpieces of modern beauty paintings by the leading modern beauty painters, Shoen Uemura and Kiyokata Kaburagi, and even works by painters who were active from the Taisho to Showa periods. do.

Miyagawa Nagaharu《Bullet Pillow and Beautiful Woman》 Miyagawa Nagaharu《Bullet Pillow and Beautiful Woman》

Miyagawa Nagaharu “Bullet Pillow and Beautiful Woman” (detail) 18th century Exhibited throughout the year

First1Venue Saga Arashiyama Bunkakan1The floor exhibition room exhibits a variety of works, from works by famous ukiyo-e artists who were active in the Edo period, such as Hiroshige Utagawa and Katsushika Hokusai, to works by painters who were active in Kyoto and Osaka in the early modern period. From the hairstyles and clothing of the women depicted in the works, we can learn about the customs that were popular at the time.

Shoen Uemura《Long Night》 Shoen Uemura《Long Night》

Shoen Uemura “Long Night” 1907 Early exhibition

Ikeda Shōen “On a Pilgrimage” Ikeda Shōen “On a Pilgrimage”

Shōen Ikeda, On a Pilgrimage of Things, 1907, Early Exhibition

First2Venue: Fukuda Art Museum Gallery1In this article, we will be introducing the works mainly featuring the co-stars of Shoen Uemura and Kiyokata Kaburagi, who were known as ``Kiyokata of the East and Shoen of the West'' and were known for each other. Among them, it is a masterpiece that the Fukuda Museum of Art is proud of.1Exhibited at the Palindrome Exhibition3``Long Night'' by Shoen Uemura, which won the same award, and ``Pilgrimage'' by the female painter Shōen Ikeda, which was also exhibited at the same exhibition, were approximately120It is a must-see to see them displayed together over the years.

Kaisho Kusune《Daughter Dojoji》 Kaisho Kusune《Daughter Dojoji》

Kaisho Kusune “Daughter Dojoji” 20th century full-time exhibition

Gallery2In addition to works by painters such as Ito Koba, Ito Shinsui, and Kajiwara Hisako, who each worked hard to create with different ideas and methods, we will also exhibit bewitching paintings of beautiful women by Kaisho Kusune, Okamoto Kamisou, and others.

Shoen Uemura《First Snow》 Shoen Uemura《First Snow》

Shoen Uemura “First Snow” 1939 Exhibition throughout the year

The more you look at the world of beauty that the artists paid attention to in every detail, from your appearance to your clothing and background, the more you'll want to whisper, ``You're so beautiful.'' Why not take a look at this exhibition, where many works will be shown for the first time?


"You're too beautiful-Beauties from the Fukuda Collection-'
[Date]2024Years4Month19Sunday (Friday) ~7Month1Sun (Monday)
<First half>4Month19Sunday (Friday) ~5Month27Sun (Monday)
<late period>5Month29Sunday (Wednesday) ~7Month1Sun (Monday)
[Opening hours]10:00~17:00(Final admission 16:30
【closing day】5Month28Sunday (Tuesday) Exhibition change,6Month18Sunday (Tuesday) Equipment inspection
Fukuda Art Museum/General 1,500yen, high school student 900Yen, elementary and junior high school students 500Yen
People with disabilities and their attendants1each name up to900Yen
infant free
Saga Arashiyama Bunkakan/General 1,100yen, high school student 600Yen, elementary and junior high school students 400Yen
People with disabilities and their attendants1each name up to600Yen
infant free
Combined ticket for two museums/general 2,300yen, high school student 1,300Yen, elementary and junior high school students 750Yen
People with disabilities and their attendants1each name up to1,300Yen

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