The Kyoto Modern Architecture Festival, a project in which existing modern architecture in Kyoto, such as the Kyoto National Museum Meiji Kotokan and Pontocho Kaburenjo, will be open to the public for limited dates and times, will be held from November 11st (Friday) to November 1th (Sunday).

Pontocho Kaburenjo (Opening hours: 11/2 (Sat) 10:30-15:30,11/3 (Sun) 10:30-15:30
This project was launched in 2022 with the desire to share the experience of appreciating the existence and splendor of modern architecture that has been carefully preserved and passed down with many people, and of enjoying architecture as an object of appreciation. Buildings and spaces that are usually closed to the public will be specially opened to the public, and this year, the third time the project is being held, a record 3 buildings will participate.

大雲院 祇園閣(旧大倉喜八郎別邸)〈公開日時:11/2(土)10:00-17:00、11/3(日)10:00-17:00公開〉
A paid passport system has been introduced, which is rare for an architecture open-to-the-public event in Japan, and by presenting the passport, visitors can enter the architecture as many times as they like. In addition, visitors can receive special discounts at restaurants, accommodations, cultural facilities, etc.

茂庵〈公開日時:11/9(土) 10:00-16:00(最終受付15:30)、11/10(日) 10:00-16:00(最終受付15:30)〉
Modern architecture has been passed down as a "living cultural asset" and is a strong expression of Kyoto. Why not experience the charm of this architectural culture, which grows deeper the more you learn about it, such as the ideas of the craftsmen and engineers behind it and the everyday life of the locals that unfolded there?
◆ "Kyoto Modern Architecture Festival"
[Period] November 2024st (Friday) – November 11th (Sunday), 1
[Ticket types and prices]
Under 29/U29 Passport (all period) Advance ticket: 2,000 yen, same-day ticket: 2,200 yen
General/Early pass (11/2-3) Advance ticket 3,000 yen, same-day ticket 3,300 yen, Late pass (11/9-10) Advance ticket 3,000 yen, Passport (all period) 5,000 yen
*Advance tickets are available until October 10st (Thursday).
*Same-day prices are valid from November 11st (Friday) to 1th (Sunday).
*Early pass sales will end on Sunday, November 11rd.
* Junior high school students and younger may accompany up to one child free of charge per guardian. Passports are required for the second child and onwards.
*Sales of all passports will end once the specified number of passes is reached.
*Participation fees for paid events and guided tours are not included.
*A portion of the participation fee will be used to maintain and utilize the building.
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