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A company working on Japanese premium 
Hatsuko Endo President Akira Endo Interview

Hatsuko Endo is a Ginza beauty and wedding brand with a history of 112 years. This time, we spoke to its president, Mr. Akira Endo, the second son of the fourth generation Hatsuko Endo. Her great-grandmother, the first generation Hatsuko Endo, was already 42 years old when the company was founded, and was a woman of the Meiji era who had amazing foresight and energy at a time when women were the exception to the rule. That was the root of "Hatsuko Endo".

Cityscape Cityscape


Endo Hatsuko, the first generation, opened a barbershop in what is now Ginza 38-chome in XNUMX and advocated ``facial techniques,'' the first facial treatment in Japan. She heard stories about skin care practices practiced in Europe and America from her husband, who had gone overseas, and in Yokohama, which had a foreign settlement at the time, she learned about Western aesthetic techniques (hygienic facial culture) and developed what is now known as ``aesthetics.'' Apparently, she founded a general beauty salon in Ginza that offers hair, makeup, and dressing services.

barber shop barber shop

barber shop

- I think it was rare for women to work at the time, but what kind of women did you hear about in the first generation?


It seems that she was a pioneering professional woman. Despite her profession as a hairdresser, she seemed to have the courage to enter through the front door instead of the back door. The first generation had students from a variety of backgrounds, from children of good families who graduated from universities and girls' schools to wives of fallen samurai families, and the first generation, who understood that women should become independent, actively pursued I heard that they were welcomed.


Dressing Dressing


- Also, it is unusual for a name to be passed down hereditary like in Kabuki, but is there a reason for it?


Since it was a woman's job, the wife of the eldest son of the first generation inherited it from the second generation. Since the second generation passed away early, the third generation was Kyoko Miura, who was chosen from among her first generation disciples. Kyoko Miura's husband was a banker, and her husband's father became the 13th governor of Tokyo and even became an advisor to the Imperial Court. She was originally a customer of her first generation, but after her husband passed away, she chose the path of independence and became a disciple of her first generation, and her talent was recognized and she became Hatsuko Endo. He inherited the name. Her third generation daughter married her second generation's eldest son and became my mother, who inherited her fourth generation name.


- How did you come to be in charge of preparing Michiko for the marriage of Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress in 34?


We learned that Ms. Kiyomiya (currently Takako Shimazu) used our store in Nihonbashi, that we prepared for her wedding with Mr. Shimazu, and that Michiko's mother (Fumiko Shoda) used our store in Ginza. I think it all started when I was preparing for a customer's wedding. The third generation, and my mother's fourth generation, who had recently taken over the family name, worked hard to prepare Michiko for her wedding. I still consider it a great honor.


- I heard that the fourth generation was a very nice person, but what fond memories do you have?
It seems that my mother often received personal consultations from customers, but she never told anyone about it, including her family. I believe that this kind of personality is also the reason why customers trust him. He was also a very kind and generous person. Her father was a very artistic and nervous person, but the two of them got along very well and I think she was the best wife for her father. She was a very bright and ideal mother. Also, this may seem surprising, but my mother was the one who took me to the bank for the first time. Her mother taught her everything about running a business.


- Do you think that since Mr. Endo's era, there has been an increase in the number of bridal weddings in Western style rather than Japanese style?


In the past, the ratio was 7 for Japanese attire and 3 for Western attire, but eventually the ratio became about XNUMX-XNUMX, and as chapel weddings became popular, the number of Western attire increased rapidly, so my sister and I started shopping for dresses in Paris and London. I did. We also asked some of Japan's leading designers at the time, such as Yukisaburo Watanabe, to create our wedding dresses. Since then, Hatsuko Kanojo Endo has been stocking original products with a focus on quality, including dresses and kimonos.


- In the 1990s, contracts with foreign hotels increased. Also, in 2012, you have taken on new challenges, such as signing a contract with Vera Wang, a popular New York designer, and opening the "VERA WANG BRIDE Ginza Main Store."
Luxury foreign hotels choose business partners based on a presentation method. The bidding system used for Japanese hotels was completely different for foreign companies. We met Vera Wang, Her Bride, when we were looking for business partners in Japan, and many of us sympathized with our quality-first approach, so we decided to talk to her. He is a leading designer in the American fashion world, and since he works in the bridal industry, I think it is necessary to incorporate trendy things.

Vera Wang Bride Ginza Main Store Vera Wang Bride Ginza Main Store

Vera Wang Bride Ginza Main Store

- I heard that you have deep connections with the Kabuki world.
We have been working with the people of Rion since our founding, and have provided wedding preparations for many Kabuki actors. We have a long-term relationship that spans two and three generations of parents and children.


- Please tell us about Hatsuko Endo's kimono collection.
We also have quite a collection of kimono wedding costumes, many of which were designed by my father and mother after the war after researching classic Japanese works. We want you to wear an authentic bridal costume for your important wedding ceremony, so we have selected top-notch makers from Kyoto, such as Tatsumura Orimono, Kawashima Orimono, and Kihachi Tabata, who are worthy of carrying on traditional Japanese performing arts. I was creating it together with you. My father always said that old classic patterns were wonderful. The issue is how to use these in the future.

Left: Tea ground Wakuyuri Goshoguruma Right: Black ground Hanabune Ryusui Left: Tea ground Wakuyuri Goshoguruma Right: Black ground Hanabune Ryusui

Left: Tea ground Wakuyuri Goshoguruma Right: Black ground Hanabune Ryusui

- Please tell us about your future challenges and goals.


Currently, customer needs are becoming more diverse, but beauty salons are currently facing a shortage of manpower. It's annoying that most of our customers come to our store on weekends. It is also difficult that the Labor Standards Act is the same for both office workers and service workers. I think it is necessary to consider hiring foreigners, but I think the problem is that the industry is old-fashioned and there is no opportunity to consider this issue as a whole.


Personally, I would like to maintain what I have cultivated so far, but from now on I would like to make moves that can solve these issues in the beauty industry. Currently, 9% of Hatsuko Endo's employees are women. Many people continue working even after getting married or having children, so it is truly a women's company. We would like to support such employees, but a system that reduces working hours is not suitable for the service industry. In extreme terms, it would be OK if you only worked on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, but if that were the case, the daycare center wouldn't take care of your child, and even if the company wanted to take care of your child, it would be unrealistic to bring your child to Ginza. I believe that we need to resolve these systemic issues. It's an industry-wide effort, but the union is weak, so I want to do something about it before I die (lol)

It seems that she opened a beauty salon in Hawaii on October 10nd, and she is aiming to provide Japan-quality, attentive service here as well. Considering Endo's 22-year history, Hatsuko has flexibly navigated the difficult task of maintaining what has been cultivated over the years, but also moving in a new direction that suits the times, with the family at the center. You can see what has happened. The reason why I took on the name Hatsuko Endo was not an exaggerated reason; it was in line with the circumstances of the time, the management of the company had also developed with women taking the lead, and the company had taken on foreign capital during the time of President Endo. Opening stores at affiliated hotels, contracts with overseas designers, etc. I won't be able to take my eyes off Hatsuko Kanojo from now on.



*The contents and information contained in this article are as of the time of publication.


Endo Hatsuko Group
Akira Endo

Born in 1943. He was born in Tokyo as the second son of Endo Hatsuko IV.
After graduating from Keio University Faculty of Commerce, joined Sapporo Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd. In 1973, he joined Endo Hatsuko Beauty Salon Co., Ltd. and became managing director. In 1993, he became the president and representative director of Endo Hatsuko Beauty Salon Co., Ltd., and the president and representative director of Endo Hatsuko Kimono Salon Co., Ltd. (currently Hatsuko He Ha Endu He Wedding Co., Ltd.), where he remains today.
In the 1980s, as wedding attire began to change to Western wear, she opened the Endo Hatsuko Wedding Collection in Ginza, and established a style where people could slowly choose their outfit from a showroom always stocked with hundreds of dresses. In the 1990s, she started opening stores at foreign hotels while maintaining relationships with long-established Japanese hotels. In addition to wedding costumes, we have expanded our business to meet a variety of needs, including general beauty salons, wedding beauty salons, and aesthetic salons.
In addition, as his life's work, he has served as vice chairman, chairman, and representative secretary of the Ginza Street Federation, and has been appointed chairman since June 2016. He founded the ``Ginza Urban Development Council'' and ``Ginza Design Council,'' and is involved in various activities in Ginza on a daily basis.
He also serves as the chairman of the "All Ginza Olympic and Paralympic Response Committee," which was established in preparation for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Interview/Text: Mio Shimamura

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