white dew grass dew white grass dew whitewhite dew grass dew white grass dew white


Premium Calendar

Learn about the Japanese calendar “72 calendars”


Can you read? “Kusatsuyushiro”? is not





Mid-autumn, when the morning dew that falls on the flowers looks white and cool. Kusrohaku is a symbol of how water vapor in the air forms water droplets that adhere to plants as the temperature drops in the morning and evening.


Since it falls on the Chrysanthemum Festival on September 9th, one of the five seasonal festivals in Japan, experiencing the custom of praying for longevity and good health is a stylish way to enjoy Japanese culture. It's a time when you can feel the turning points of the season.













Grass dew white = Grass dew white

The 72nd term ``Kusarohaku'' is pronounced as Kusa no Tsuyushiroshi.





Twenty-Four Seasons: White Dew
Seventy-two: Kusrohaku
Period: May 9th to May 7th


Learn about the Japanese calendar “72 calendars”
There are not only four seasons in Japan: spring, summer, autumn, and winter, but also the 72 seasonal seasons, which start with the first day of spring in early spring and end with the cold weather of late winter.The XNUMX seasonal seasons are further divided into three parts, making the year XNUMX seasons. The story progresses along with the ``calendar,'' a seasonal calendar divided into equal parts called XNUMX seasons. We will introduce you to the XNUMX kanji, which represent the subtle changes of the seasons, and how to read their kanji.




Reference book: "365 Days Pon's Illustrated Book" by Calendar Seikatsu, published by Genkosha


Premium Calendar

Learn about the Japanese calendar “72 calendars”

Premium Calendar

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