Can you read? The unusual surname "Soyabe Ikuta" starts reading with "o" instead of "daizu".Can you read? The unusual surname "Soyabe Ikuta" starts reading with "o" instead of "daizu".


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Can you read? The unusual surname ``Soybean Ikuta'' is not pronounced as Daiizukuta.

This name is seen mainly in Tochigi Prefecture. It is said that in ancient times it may have been related to Soybean Ikuta, Nasu District, Shimotsuke Province (present-day Kurobane Town, Nasu District, Tochigi Prefecture), and is a surname that is often seen in Tochigi City, even within Tochigi Prefecture. It is also distributed in Otawara City, Sano City, Ashikaga City, Utsunomiya City, Oyama City, Utsunomiya City, etc., and the place name ``Soybean Ikuta'' can be seen in many places.



In the olden days, rice fields where soybeans were planted because rice could not be harvested were called soybean fields (Omameda) or soybean raw fields (Omameuda), and these names became place names and came to be used as surnames. The name Soybean Ikuta has this background. In addition to Tochigi Prefecture, place names can also be found in Yamanashi Prefecture.

Soybean Ikuta = Omamyuuda



"Soybean Ikuta" is a surname that can be read as Omamyu. There are many other ways to read it, such as ``Omame-uda'', ``Omami-uda'', ``Omame-da'', and ``Oma-nyuda'', totaling 10 to 20 different readings.





What is “knowing unusual surnames”?
It is said that there are approximately 30 Japanese surnames, including different readings. We will introduce some of the most unusual surnames, their pronunciations and origins, as well as areas where they still exist in large numbers.



Reference books: Difficult to read surname dictionary by Masanori Shindo Shonansha, 47 prefectures and surname encyclopedia Hiroshi Morioka by Maruzen Publishing, Ogura Pond Fishermen's Friends Documents Uji City History Museum


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Learn unusual surnames

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