Rusty green onion (Sabiasagi)Rusty green onion (Sabiasagi)


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Learn about Japan's traditional colors


Can you read? The traditional Japanese color "Sabasa Negi" is a slightly duller color than Shinsengumi's Asagi color.

What is Japan's traditional color "Sabasa Negi"...

The slightly dull, pale green-blue color is rusty green onion. Imagine a dull color mixed with gray tones of the light onion color known as the color of the Dandara haori worn by the Shinsengumi. It is said that there is no mention of the dyeing method for rusty green onion in the literature of the Edo period, but it is said that it was loved by many people along with the color of light green onion, which was popular at the same time.

Sabi Asagi = Sabi Asagi



The original color, Asagi-iro, has many derived colors, and Sabasagi is one of them. ``Sabiasagi'' is pronounced as ``Sabiasagi''.

R102G153B161 #6699A1/Sabi Asagi

What is “Learn about Japan’s traditional colors”?
We will also introduce beautiful traditional Japanese colors, how to read their kanji, and the background behind the colors. Let's enjoy together the Japanese sensibilities that have been passed down since ancient times.



Reference books: “Beautiful Japanese Traditional Colors” published by PIE International, “365 Days of Poons Illustrated Book” written by Reki Seikatsu and published by Genkosha


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Learn about Japan's traditional colors

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