Grape rat (shrimp rat)Grape rat (shrimp rat)


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Learn about Japan's traditional colors


Can you read? Japan's traditional color ``Budo Nezumi'' is not pronounced as grape.

What is Japan’s traditional color “Grape Rat”?

Grape Nezumi is a dark red color with a slight purplish tinge. Although grapes are commonly pronounced as ``grapes,'' they have a history of being called ``shrimp'' by their ancient name. It is also said that it was often seen in the background color of kimonos depicted in ukiyo-e, and was popular from the mid-Edo period to the early Showa period as a calm and elegant color. It is said that it was sometimes called ``Kizoku Nezumi'' or ``Genji Nezumi.''

Grape rat = Shrimp rat



In addition to ukiyo-e, this popular color also appears in humorous books, novels from the late Edo period, and rakugo, a traditional story-telling art that has been handed down to this day. ``Grape mouse'' is pronounced as shrimp mouse.

R94G61B80 #5E3D50/Grape Mouse (Shrimp Mouse)

What is “Learn about Japan’s traditional colors”?
We will also introduce beautiful traditional Japanese colors, how to read their kanji, and the background behind the colors. Let's enjoy together the Japanese sensibilities that have been passed down since ancient times.



Reference books: “Beautiful Japanese Traditional Colors” published by PIE International, “365 Days of Poons Illustrated Book” written by Reki Seikatsu and published by Genkosha


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Learn about Japan's traditional colors

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