What is the 72nd lord “Kijisho”?
Birds classified as Phasianidae, Phasianidae, Phasianidae. This bird was also called ``Kigisu'' in the ancient Japanese language.
Pheasant pheasant is a word that describes the powerful call of a male pheasant, which is characterized by the beautiful green color that covers its entire body, as it seeks courtship from a female. It is exactly the end of the 72nd month of cold weather. In addition to being selected as the national bird by the Ornithological Society of Japan, it is also designated as the municipal bird in many local governments in Japan.
First pheasant = first pheasant
The 72nd pheasant is read as the first pheasant.
Twenty-four solar terms: cold weather
Seventy-two signs: First pheasant
Around March 1th to March 15th
Learn about the Japanese calendar “72 calendars”
There are not only four seasons in Japan: spring, summer, autumn, and winter, but also the 72 seasonal seasons, which start with the first day of spring in early spring and end with the cold weather of late winter.The XNUMX seasonal seasons are further divided into three parts, making the year XNUMX seasons. The story progresses along with the ``calendar,'' a seasonal calendar divided into equal parts called XNUMX seasons. We will introduce you to the XNUMX kanji, which represent the subtle changes of the seasons, and how to read their kanji.
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Learn about the Japanese calendar “72 calendars”
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