Becomes a vegetable butterfly = becomes a butterflyBecomes a vegetable butterfly = becomes a butterfly


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Learn about the Japanese calendar “72 calendars”


Can you read? The first reading of "Namushikacho" starts with "Namushi"

What is the 72nd ``vegetable butterfly''...



The season when butterflies turn into insects is when the pupa that survives the cold winter turns into a beautiful butterfly and takes flight. Namushi is a general term for insects that attach to the leaves of radish and turnips, and it often refers to the larvae of the cabbage butterfly.

Butterflies flying around in the warm air have been a symbol of immortality since ancient times, and the sight of them emerging from a pupa into a butterfly has evoked images of resurrection and reincarnation. For these reasons, it is said that butterfly motifs were used on the family crests and weapons of Sengoku warlords.






Becomes a vegetable butterfly = becomes a butterfly

The 72nd zodiac sign, ``Chu-byou butterfly,'' is read as Namushi-cho.

Twenty-four solar terms: Keishu
Seventy-two: Vegetable butterfly
Around March 3th to March 15th


Learn about the Japanese calendar “72 calendars”
There are not only four seasons in Japan: spring, summer, autumn, and winter, but also the 72 seasonal seasons, which start with the first day of spring in early spring and end with the cold weather of late winter.The XNUMX seasonal seasons are further divided into three parts, making the year XNUMX seasons. The story progresses along with the ``calendar,'' a seasonal calendar divided into equal parts called XNUMX seasons. We will introduce you to the XNUMX kanji, which represent the subtle changes of the seasons, and how to read their kanji.




Reference books: “365 Days of Popping Color Picture Book” written by Reki Seikatsu, published by Genkosha, “XNUMX people who enjoy life” written by Chieko Hirota, published by Kobunsha


Premium Calendar

Learn about the Japanese calendar “72 calendars”

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