"Konomi" is a rare surname, with 6% of people with the name distributed in Fukuoka Prefecture. Outside of Fukuoka Prefecture, there are a few in the Tokyo and Kinki regions.
The surname Konomi is said to have its roots in the 271m high mountain Mount Konomi, which straddles the current cities of Munakata and Fukutsu in Fukuoka Prefecture. At the summit of Mount Konomi, you can still see the ruins of Konomi Castle, which was built by the Munakata clan here.
The Munakata clan is a family that has served as the chief priest of Munakata Taisha Shrine for generations, which is famous for being registered as a World Heritage Site as part of the "Sacred Island" of Okinoshima and Associated Heritage Sites in Munakata in 2017. The surname Konomi is said to be a branch of the Munakata clan.
"Konomi" is a family name that is pronounced "Konomi". There are about 1700 people with this name in Japan, 6% of whom are said to live in Fukuoka Prefecture. The name is derived from a mountain that straddles the cities of Munakata and Fukutsu in Fukuoka Prefecture.
What is “knowing unusual surnames”?
It is said that there are approximately 30 Japanese surnames, including different readings. We will introduce some of the most unusual surnames, their pronunciations and origins, as well as areas where they still exist in large numbers.
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Learn unusual surnames
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