Mulberry dyeingMulberry dyeing


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Learn about Japan's traditional colors


Can you read it? The traditional Japanese color "Mulberry dye" is not pronounced "Sousen"

What is the traditional Japanese color "mulberry dye"?

Mulberry dye is a light brown with a brownish tinge, dyed with a decoction of mulberry bark and root bark and lye mordant. Some people believe that mulberry dye is dyed using mulberry fruit, but since mulberry fruit is purple-black, it is generally considered to refer to a deep reddish purple. A similar color, a white-brown color with a slight yellowish tinge that has the color of mulberry dye, is called mulberry white tea.

Mulberry dye = Kuwazome


In Saikaku Ihara's "Koshoku Ichidai Otoko," there is a passage that says, "Even though we were three, we wore mulberry-dyed cotton tabi socks," which shows that mulberry-dyed tabi socks were popular in the late Edo period. "Mulberry dye" is pronounced "kuwazome."

R100 G54 B60 #64363C/Mulberry dye

What is “Learn about Japan’s traditional colors”?
We will also introduce beautiful traditional Japanese colors, how to read their kanji, and the background behind the colors. Let's enjoy together the Japanese sensibilities that have been passed down since ancient times.



Reference books: “Beautiful Japanese Traditional Colors” published by PIE International, “365 Days of Poons Illustrated Book” written by Reki Seikatsu and published by Genkosha


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Learn about Japan's traditional colors

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