What is the traditional Japanese color "Fukagawa Nezumi"?
Fukagawa Nezumi is a traditional light color that is a pale light blue with a slight hint of gray. Also known as Minato Nezumi, it is said to have been created against the backdrop of the culture of the Fukagawa area in the west of Koto Ward, Tokyo. According to the Tekagami Moyo Setsuyo, "Minato Nezumi became popular around this time and was called Fukagawa Nezumi," indicating that it was a popular color at the time. Additionally, Morisada Manko (1837-53) states, "Nezumi is a light ink color... There are various types such as Fukagawa Nezumi, Gin Nezumi, Indigo Nezumi, Urushi Nezumi, and Benikake Nezumi," indicating that it was popular with many variations in the late Edo period.
Fukagawa Mouse
Fukagawa flourished as a temple town of Tomioka Hachimangu Shrine, and was a bustling area where many people gathered during the Edo period. "Fukagawa Nezumi" is pronounced "Fukagawa Nezumi".
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What is “Learn about Japan’s traditional colors”?
We will also introduce beautiful traditional Japanese colors, how to read their kanji, and the background behind the colors. Let's enjoy together the Japanese sensibilities that have been passed down since ancient times.
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Learn about Japan's traditional colors
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