Rokoucha (Rokoucha)Rokoucha (Rokoucha)


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Learn about Japan's traditional colors


Can you read it? The traditional Japanese color "Jikoucha" is not pronounced "jikoucha"

What is the traditional Japanese color "Rokkoucha"?

Rokko tea is a yellowish olive green with a slightly reddish-black color and astringent taste. It is said to be the same as kombu tea. The name comes from an actor named Segawa Kikunojo II, who took on the name in 6 and was commonly known as "Hōgaku Rokko." Rokko's beauty was said to be the best among actors at the time, and Rokko tea, the color of the costume he wore, became popular.

Roadside tea = Rokoucha


It is one of the most popular traditional colors of the Edo period, and is famous as the color worn by women throughout the Edo period.

R137 G145 B107 #89916B/Rokoucha

What is “Learn about Japan’s traditional colors”?
We will also introduce beautiful traditional Japanese colors, how to read their kanji, and the background behind the colors. Let's enjoy together the Japanese sensibilities that have been passed down since ancient times.



Reference books: “Beautiful Japanese Traditional Colors” published by PIE International, “365 Days of Poons Illustrated Book” written by Reki Seikatsu and published by Genkosha


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Learn about Japan's traditional colors

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