"Kouo" is a very rare surname found in Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture.
"兀" is a kanji character that means something that sticks out high. 兀尾 is said to represent the terrain of a ridge with no vegetation.
Other surnames in Gifu Prefecture that begin with "hage" include Kōetsu, Kōge, and Kōge.
Words such as "hage," "hagi," and "boke" are all used in place names meaning "cliff," and several kanji characters are used, but in Gifu, kanji such as "兀" and "峐" are used.
Bald tail = Hageo
"Hageo" is a family name that is pronounced "Hageo". It is a rare family name with only about 10 people in the whole country, and most of them live in Gifu Prefecture.
What is “knowing unusual surnames”?
It is said that there are approximately 30 Japanese surnames, including different readings. We will introduce some of the most unusual surnames, their pronunciations and origins, as well as areas where they still exist in large numbers.
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Learn unusual surnames
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