What is the traditional Japanese color "Usuiro"?
Usuiro is a traditional color characterized by a pale purple color obtained by dyeing safflower root with camellia lye and alum. Generally, "usuiro" refers to pale colors in general, but when it comes to purple, dark purple is called "koi" (strong purple), while pale purple is called "usuiro." This is thought to be due to the fact that purple was considered an elegant color during the Heian period. The Engishiki, a legal code that compiled the implementation rules of the Ritsuryo Code in the mid-Heian period, contains dyeing methods, and it is said that when dyeing a light color, about one-sixth of the amount of safflower root needed for a deep purple was used.
Light color = pale color
Although it is purple, it was never banned because it is a light color. It is said to have been a color that was popular among the common people. "Usuiro" is pronounced "usuiro".
R178 G143 B206 #B28FCE / Light color
What is “Learn about Japan’s traditional colors”?
We will also introduce beautiful traditional Japanese colors, how to read their kanji, and the background behind the colors. Let's enjoy together the Japanese sensibilities that have been passed down since ancient times.
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Learn about Japan's traditional colors
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