Can you read it? The rare surname "Sekisofu" It is not pronounced "Sekisofu"Can you read it? The rare surname "Sekisofu" It is not pronounced "Sekisofu"


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Can you read it? The rare surname "Sekisofu" It is not pronounced "Sekisofu"

"Akasofu" is a name that is found in areas such as present-day Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture.

It is said that the origin of the area dates back to the mid-Heian period, when a descendant of Akazome no Tokimochi, a government official known as a kannin, claimed to be Akasoba and moved to Echigo. Akazome no Tokimochi is the father of Akazome Emon, a lady-in-waiting to Fujiwara no Michinaga's wife, Minamoto no Michiko, who appears in the 2024 NHK Taiga drama "Hikaru Kimi e."

Later, during the Sengoku period, they moved from Echigo to Okuda-sho in Etchu, and during the Edo period, they became influential farmers who were granted privileges in the Kaga and Toyama domains.

The Akasofu family is an old family in Shinkawa-gun, Toyama Prefecture, and has a branch family in Yoneda, Toyama City. When the Toyama Domain sold the gate of the Chitose Palace in the early Meiji period, Ushinosuke, the fourth head of the branch family, purchased it and used it as a gate for his family, and it is the only surviving remnant of Toyama Castle.




"Akasofu" is a family name that is pronounced "Akasofu." There are said to be more than 200 such people in Japan, most of whom live in Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture.

What is “knowing unusual surnames”?
It is said that there are approximately 30 Japanese surnames, including different readings. We will introduce some of the most unusual surnames, their pronunciations and origins, as well as areas where they still exist in large numbers.



Reference books: Difficult to read surname dictionary by Masanori Shindo, Shonansha, 47 prefectures and surname encyclopedia, by Hiroshi Morioka, Maruzen Publishing


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Learn unusual surnames

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