

Music and talk presented by Yamaha Ginza store


Heart-trembling moment when Hashinosuke Nakamura and Tomoko Chris talk about “MAKE WAVES RADIO” from Yamaha Ginza store

Yamaha Ginza store exterior

What is Make Waves Radio from Yamaha Ginza store?


About 5 minutes walk from Tokyo Metro Ginza Station. The first recording of the internet radio program ``Make Waves Radio'' was held in the key between people room on the first floor of the Yamaha Ginza store facing Ginza Street.


MC Tomoko Chris touches the keyboard of Key Between People, plays it a little to check the tone, and then begins speaking. With the theme of "connections between people through musical instruments," Key Between People features a piano, cafe table, and bench laid out in a circle motif, making it the perfect setting for this program.


"Make Waves Radio" is Yamaha's brand promise, and is a program in which guests listen to "Make Waves = Heart-shaking Moments," which is also the title of the program, and deliver requested songs related to talk to the tones of key between people. is. The memorable first guest was Hashinosuke Nakamura, a fourth-generation Kabuki actor. In the corner that focuses on Yamaha's various business activities, Ginza store manager Mamoru Fukuzawa will tell you about the appeal of Yamaha Ginza store and how to enjoy it.

key between people key between people

key between people was designed as a form of comfortable communication between performers and audience. It can be used not only for performances but also as a cafe table.

The fourth generation, Hashinosuke Nakamura, speaks
Relationship between Kabuki and music


``Instruments are an essential part of Kabuki as music and sound effects,'' says Hashinosuke. He himself has been practicing shamisen, taiko, tsuzumi, and shakuhachi since he was a child, and his grandfather, Shikan Nakamura VII, told him, ``You don't need to be able to play an instrument well. He was told to practice so that he could exist in a form that would not be embarrassing at that time.''


Not only in plays but also in dance scenes, sound plays an important role in determining the timing of stepping out and creating the mood. His words, ``The way it goes into your body is different when you're practicing an instrument and when you're not,'' were derived from his daily practice.


``There are times when I speak my lines without music, but I feel really anxious.Being able to say my lines while being supported by Geza music is a great thing for us Kabuki actors.''Rehearsing instruments He also talked about how the music and sounds created by musical instruments are important factors in Kabuki.


Nakamura Hashinosuke Nakamura Hashinosuke

Fourth Generation Nakamura Hashinosuke (Kabuki Actor)

Born on December 1995, 12. Born in Tokyo. In 26, she made her first stage appearance at the Kabuki-za Theater under the name Kunio Nakamura I. In October 12, he assumed the name of Nakamura Hashinosuke IV at the October 28 Art Festival. His grandfather was Shikan Nakamura, the 10th generation, and his father was Shikan Nakamura, the XNUMXth generation. In recent years, he has expanded his career by appearing in musicals and other stages other than Kabuki.


Chris Tomoko Chris Tomoko

Tomoko Chris is the MC of Make Waves Radio. She has a lively chat with Nakamura Hashinosuke.

Nakamura Hashinosuke’s “heart-trembling moment”


In 2020, performances were canceled one after another due to the coronavirus pandemic, and I was unable to perform the big roles I had been preparing for and looking forward to. At one point, Hashinosuke became depressed and even started denying himself, but he received a phone call from Tamasaburo Bando, whom he admires as his "uncle." He told her, ``What you need to do now is not to be restless, but to study so that you can get that kind of role.'' He said that he felt a change in himself, as if he had lost his nerve.


"From then on, rehearsals were really fun. Last August, the stage reopened, and a lot of people were in the audience seats. At that time, I was so grateful and my heart was really shaken."

Hashinosuke Nakamura listens to the piano performance Hashinosuke Nakamura listens to the piano performance

Nakamura Hashinosuke listens intently to pianist Kitanao's performance.

Yu Takahashi's ``Pride'' is a song requested by Hashinosuke. While staring at the keyboard of Key Between People, I was immersed in the worldview of the song and the memories I had while listening to this song. I would love to hear your thoughts on this song, which was recommended to me by a close friend when I was feeling down, on air.




A shock like being hit by a force
Songs that symbolize Takarazuka love as told by Hashinosuke


Hashinosuke has had the experience of losing his grip. It happened about two or three years ago when I went to see a performance of Takarazuka Revue Tsukigumi's ``Elisabeth'' in which a friend of his was performing. ``A thunderbolt fell from above my seat and, no joke, I couldn't stand up,'' he recalls.


Since then, I've been looking for merchandise and bought a live CD of ``Elisabeth'', and I'm so hooked that I can even say the lines and lyrics in their entirety, which is amazing. The person who shocked Hashinosuke was Ryo Tamaki, the top star of Tsukigumi. He also became obsessed with Nozomi Futo and Maaya Kiho of the Snow Troupe. Unfortunately, all three left the group this year, and Ai Takarazuka, who had been on the rise, has toned down a bit, but the requested song "Rondo of Love and Death ~From Elisabeth~" still gives me a sparkling feeling even when I listen to it now. He says he remembers it.


``I fell in love with Takarazuka, and as a fan, Tamashiro-san, Nozomi-san, and Masa-san touched my heart.And I felt strongly that I had to become an actor that the audience thought of. , I started to feel it strongly.”




A lifestyle with music proposed by Yamaha Ginza store


Yamaha Ginza store is Yamaha's flagship store. The first and second floors are brand experience areas that were just renovated in October 1. In the open atrium space on the first floor, a pure white piano key between people is placed, allowing anyone to play freely. It's also fascinating to see your playing hands displayed on a huge screen in front of you. There is a studio on the 2nd basement floor, a concert salon on the 2020th floor, Yamaha Hall on the 10th to 1th floors, and adult music classes on the 2th to 6th floors. The entire building is filled with music.


Mamoru Fukuzawa, director of the Ginza store, says, ``We would like people, not just those with musical experience, to stop by on their way to Ginza.We hope to be able to connect with customers more easily and broadly through music.'' The cafe space on the second floor embodies this. You can enjoy food and drinks related to musicians and songs, and there is also a library with books about sound and music.


There are also menu items inspired by Rossini and Chopin, as well as the ``Herring Escabeche'', which is said to have saved Bach from poverty when he was in poverty, squeezed with kelp and marinated in Nanban. Some of them are said to have been created at the suggestion of director Fukuzawa.

Director Fukuzawa, who was in the brass band, requested "Disco Kid." Director Fukuzawa, who was in the brass band, requested "Disco Kid."

Director Fukuzawa, who was in the brass band, requested "Disco Kid."

Pianist Nao Kita Pianist Nao Kita

Pianist Nao Kita's performance resonates, and everyone stops and listens.

T-shirts signed by Hashinosuke Nakamura and commemorative photos will be displayed on the NOTE BY YAMAHA bookshelf on the 2nd floor. T-shirts signed by Hashinosuke Nakamura and commemorative photos will be displayed on the NOTE BY YAMAHA bookshelf on the 2nd floor.

T-shirts signed by Hashinosuke Nakamura and commemorative photos will be displayed on the NOTE BY YAMAHA bookshelf on the 2nd floor.

Various Make Weaves are coming one after another.
The time for pleasant talk and music begins here.


This time, the first edition of "Make Waves Radio," was curated by "Premium Japan," an online media that disseminates Japanese manufacturing based on Japanese aesthetic sense to the world. Please listen to the section where publisher Mio Shimamura talks about the editorial theme of "Premium Japan" and its relationship with Ginza. In the future, there will also be collaboration projects with Amana media such as ``IMA'' and ``Ryori Tsushin''.


The recording of "Make Waves Radio" was held without an audience to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, but a public recording with listeners will be held once the situation has calmed down. At that time, I would like to enjoy the live performance of each episode's guests' "Make Waves = heart-shaking moments" and key between people.



(Titles omitted)




◆Internet radio “Make Waves Radio”

Tomoko Chris will be the MC, and the first guest will be Hashinosuke Nakamura, a fourth-generation Kabuki actor. With the theme of heart-trembling moments, we will present songs requested by guests with live piano performance from Key Between People on the 1st floor of Yamaha Ginza store. Enjoy a moment of conversation with guests that give you a glimpse of their thoughts on music, work, lifestyle, and more. Distribution starts in October 2021 (scheduled to be distributed until around September 10)




Yamaha Ginza store

7-9-14 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

Opening hours 11: 00 to 18: 30

Regular holiday Tuesday (open if it is a national holiday)



*This is being implemented with extreme caution to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection.
*In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the contents of exhibitions and events posted on this site may have changed. Please check the latest information from the official website etc.


Text by Junko Okuyama

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