Full list from 1st to 100th
Observations from the award ceremony:What is "The World's 2024 Best Restaurants 50"?
6Month5Day,"World's 50 Best Restaurants(The following is the "World Best50The award ceremony for the "Best of 2019" awards was held in Las Vegas. We would like to take a look back at the results and consider how to get on this list.1from rank50The list of winners is as follows, and can be found at the end of the article.51from rank100A list of the winners will also be published.
When it comes to famous restaurant rankings, overseas there are the Michelin Guide, Gault & Millau, and La Liste, while in Japan there are Tabelog andRettySome people may think of "World's Best".50" stands out from the crowd in that it targets the entire world and places emphasis on restaurants' ability to convey their message and contribute to society.
Chefs and pastry chefs selected to this list often go on to stardom, and the glamorous crowds attending the awards ceremony are the reason it is called the "Academy Awards of the restaurant world."
2024 The World's Best Restaurants50 Full list

The top spot went to Disfrutar, a fine dining restaurant in Barcelona, Spain.10It is a powerful store that was in the top 10 last year.2I swallowed my tears at about that point, but finally1In 1st place.2019Since 2010, the "Hall of Fame" system has been adopted,1The restaurants that won the top spot no longer participate in this grueling race. However, the Hall of Fame chefs continue to be featured in various "World's Best" competitions.50" and this time too, many past star chefs were seen at the venue.
Past top-ranked restaurants include:
2023"Central (Peru)"
2022"Geranium (Denmark)"
2021/2014/2012/2011/2010"Noma (Denmark)"
2020will not be held due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
2019"Mirazur (France)"
2018/2016"Osteria Francescana (Italy)"
2017"Eleven Madison Park (USA)"
2015/2013"El Serra de Canroca (Spain)"
2009/2008/2007/2006/2002"El Bulli (Spain)"
2003/2004"The French Laundry (USA)"
2005"The Fat Duck (UK)"
Some of the restaurants are famous, while others are less well known in Japan. What we want you to pay attention to is the name of the country that has the top-ranked restaurant.2015The author remembers the words he said in an interview for a certain magazine around that time: "That's not the best."50), and called it "not that great." The reason behind his harsh words was that until then, France had been the driving force in the culinary world, but then the Spanish molecular cuisine craze started, and his students took the world by storm with the trend of Nordic gastronomy.……There must have been some anxiety about the situation.
But this is the "world's best"50" is a great achievement. This list proves that by bringing attention to restaurants in countries where cuisine has not previously been in the limelight, it can lead to a movement that changes the tides of the culinary world. While I am excited about the direction of the trend, I also hope to convey to Robuchon in heaven that this has made me fall in love with French and Japanese cuisine all over again, realizing that they have a strength that no one can resist.
Spanish and South American restaurants continue to dominate

The winner this time was the popular restaurant "Disfrutar" in Barcelona. After receiving the award, Eduardo Shuttluck, Oriol Castro, and Mateu Casañas took to the stage to speak about the award.3The chef gave a passionate speech that moved the audience to tears.3He has a history of training at the now-closed research institute of El Bulli in Spain.2002From the year5After closing the restaurant, chef Ferran Adrià started a project to train young chefs. The generation that learned there went on to win the honor, so it is no wonder that the restaurant is ranked as the "World's Best50" has made an enormous contribution to the Spanish culinary world.
The chefs are disciples of El Bulli, famous for their original molecular cuisine, and while they make full use of such techniques, I hear that the food and service at Disfrutar are extremely delicate and heartwarming. Unfortunately, I have not been there, but this restaurant, whose name means "fun" in Spanish, is said to believe in providing immersive experiences that are fun and entertaining, and food that speaks to the heart. Last year, they were the recipients of the "World's Best50At the lunch event, I3Of people1I was lucky enough to sit down with Chef Eduardo Charcuterie, who is a chef in the city of San Gorgonio degli Studi di San Gorgonio, but to be honest, he was such an unassuming and quiet person that I didn't know he was a chef until someone at the table told me. He broke the bread on the table, mixed it with fresh tomatoes and garlic, and told me, "This is how you eat pan con tomate." It's a memorable moment for me now.
Like "Disfrutar," this list is dominated by Spanish and other European brands.50The voting system of "" is also a big cause.27Each area40Name, Total1080person's"voteThe voters, who are food journalists, restaurant workers, and foodies, are the ones who vote for the "Best50" awards ceremony. Naturally, if they go to the host city, they also visit more popular local restaurants, which inevitably increases the likelihood that they will vote for those restaurants in the next round of voting. Last year, the awards were held in Spain, and the year before, in the UK, so restaurants in neighboring countries must have been eager to seize the opportunity and made an effort to attract customers.
From japan3Many outstanding restaurants are ranked in Asia.50How does it compare to?

We caught up with Chef Daniel Calvert (left) of Sézan and Chef Kawate Hiroyasu of Florilege at the venue.
The Japanese companies that made the list this time were3Eaves.15In 1st place was "Cezanne (Tokyo)"21In 1st place was "Florilege (Tokyo)"32"Den (Tokyo)" came in at number 1.3The Asia Best50"The Japanese team1Cezanne and2(Florilege),8Nine restaurants, including the No. 1 restaurant, were included in the list.50" and "Asia50” thenvoteThe stores are not always the same, so the lineup and rankings of stores may change at times.
Restaurant lovers who love the Japanese food and beverage industry may wonder, "Why aren't there more Japanese restaurants ranked? Why aren't they ranked higher?"50As mentioned above, even though the restaurant places importance on the message of its cuisine and the power of its communication, this doesn't make sense. Especially in light of the recent depreciation of the yen and the number of inbound tourists, which continues to reach new highs, this is the most questionable.
However, the answer is quite simple. It is definitely not a question of level. It is simply,vote"I can't vote because I haven't visited the store."1080person'svoteThere are several rules for voting, one of which is "retroactive voting."18There is a rule that you can only vote for restaurants you have visited within the last month.voteis the total10"I have a vote, but I think restaurants in my country are6The rest of the votes4There is also a provision that states that "votes must be cast for restaurants in other countries." In light of the above, it can be said that Japan is at a real disadvantage because it is a restaurant powerhouse. Even in the famous "Michelin Guide," Japan has more star-ranked restaurants than France, the home country. The number of restaurants in existence is70It is said that there are more than 10,000 houses.voteEven if they come to Japan, they will have a hard time deciding which restaurant to go to. And there is also the drawback that it is difficult to make reservations at popular restaurants.
Learning from other countries that support the food and beverage industry nationwide

The "Female Chef Award" was awarded to the chef from Sao Paulo, Brazil.Jonaíon Torreschef."The House of the Pig" and many other restaurants. He is also powerful, having started a joint project with the city of São Paulo to train chefs in schools to improve children's nutrition, and during the COVID-19 pandemic he organized Brazilian chefs to ask the government for support for the industry.
Another thing that cannot be ignored is the difference in support systems between countries. For example, in this list, the rise of South America, led by Mexico and Peru, was noticeable. While I think "South America is doing well," I also want to look at the data. For example, Mexico, although it struggled with a large number of infected people at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, is well known for quickly working to overcome the situation and not imposing any restrictions on entry for tourists. As a result, from around the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, tourists from the United States began to flock to South America, mainly Mexico, and among them were people who were craving travel and gastronomy.voteThere must have been many of them included.
This trend has accelerated even after COVID-19. Mordor Intelligence, a global market research company, has announced that5The tourism market forecast for South America in the next 5 years is%It is expected to continue to grow at a rate exceeding that of the current fiscal year (■1) In addition, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced2022The economic growth rates of major regions in the world are alsoEU Of3.7%, Latin America and the Caribbean4.0%,ASEANCountries5.5%, Middle East and Central Asia5.3%In contrast, Japan only1.1%(※ 2).2021In the ranking of foreign tourist acceptance in 2019,1France, ranked 1st4,840Thousands of people,21st place: Mexico3,190Thousands of people,31st place: Spain3,120In contrast, Japan has25The number of people in the United States who live in Japan is 100,000, which is far below the rankings. It is also in a different order of magnitude compared to countries such as Puerto Rico and Kyrgyzstan.※ 3).
In other words, I am impressed by the efforts of the Japanese food and beverage industry, which has achieved such results despite such adverse conditions. In the future, we will be rivals not only in South America, but also in countries such as Korea and Thailand, which have emerged as emerging gastronomy nations. We, as foodies, would like to think about how we can contribute.
※ 1 Mordor intelligence"Latte America Travel Market Size and Market Size Stock Analysis Growth Trends and Growth Trend Forecast (2024~2029(year).
※ 2 IMF(International Monetary Fund)World Economic Outlook Database, April 2023Created by the Japan Tourism Agency based on the above.
※ 3 UNWTO(United Nations Sakai Tourism Organization) Prepared by the Japan Tourism Agency based on materials.
Involvement of young and female chefs and healthy"Desperate Power"expected to

"World's Best50The "Champion of Change Award" is a unique example of the company. On the left is "Diamantes Na Cozinha"JoãDiamanteOn the right is Mr.Roots"Jessica Rosval(left) andCaroline caporossiMr.
So how can we become the "world's best" in the future?50Can Japanese restaurants increase their presence in the market? I think there are a few ways to do this.
First of all, let's take a look at this year's "World Best50The question is whether Japan's food and beverage industry can truly embrace the "diversity" that is so heavily touted in "The Food and Beverage Industry of Japan." Compared to other countries, the current situation in Japan is that there are overwhelmingly fewer female and young chefs and restaurant managers. Let me make it clear that I do not mean that it is men or veterans who are destroying these opportunities. The fact that there are so few women and young people who stand up for themselves and take on new challenges probably requires a change in mindset on the part of those involved,10If you want to be on par with the star chefs of other countries who have been working hard in the culinary world for generations, you need a certain amount of determination, effort, and ingenuity. Because cooking is something that can't be achieved with just imagination or expression.
In addition, Social MediaThanks to the internet and the internet, trends and creations are now happening simultaneously around the world. On the other hand, it is easy to copy anything. We should be more sensitive to the fact that we are providing food to customers while facing the danger of unconsciously tracing someone else. When a new dish is completed, take a photo of it.googleI sometimes think that we should do something like an image search. That's how strict the world is about authenticity.
Don't be afraid to communicate

last year10Paris, which was rankedTable by Bruno VerjusChef Blue (left) from "3Recently, there have been many collaborative events with talented chefs.

The top North American player was6New York, ranked 1stAtomix. "JPThe Korean couple, Chef (left) and his wife Elia (right), are now active not only in New York but all over the world.
I also think it would be a good idea to periodically review what your restaurant and cuisine should aim for.50" is an award with distinctive features. The evaluation criteria vary depending on the competition, such as "Michelin Guide" and "Gault & Millau", which evaluate absolute quality and service, and "Tabelog", which competes for popularity only in Japan.50Chefs who were ranked in the ""graduate"There are also many examples of businesses that are trying to take a new direction. In the end, it would be healthier for the store to approach the business by thinking about who they want to please and what kind of customers they want to be evaluated by.
The desire to always strive for excellence in fine cuisine is a virtue for both chefs and eaters, but restaurant awards are a means to that end, and can sometimes even become a game.22Years have passed since the "Best50" However, it is certain that the existence of this award has promoted the diversification of restaurants around the world. Since I started reporting on the awards, I have begun to see unexpected aspects of the food and beverage industry. Although I feel a little frustrated that it is difficult to convey the good parts of Japan, I am excited to think about the potential for future growth.2025In early summer, which city will have the best50" Will we be able to see "
2024 The World's Best Restaurants51~100Place

56In the 1st placeNARISAWA(Tokyo)",66In the 1st placeLa Cime(Osaka)",93Chazenka (Tokyo) came in 3rd place.
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